7 Feb - Selective Color
Map of Argentina and Chile - 17 Feb
Argentina & Chile
17 Feb 2014
Argentina & Chile    17 Feb 2014
  Buenos Aires, Argentina   

We are in Argentina, inspired by a Guardian article about a bus ride from Purmamarca in Argentina over the Andes to Atacama in Chile.

But before we get on that bus we are going to check out a bit of Argentina.

First stop is Buenos Aires where we've rented a 15th floor apartment in a neighborhood called Palermo Hollywood. This part of Palermo is popular with video production companies, hence the name. We like the apartment: it's modern and roomy, with a balcony and grand city views.

Three hours in, the Toronto - Santiago flight brings to mind Doctor Who's the Silence. So what does a bony-faced monster with a frozen mouth have to do with being sealed inside a flying metal can? The Silence leave no memory trace. They can plant an idea in your head, but once out of sight, all memory of the creature is gone—though the implanted idea remains. So the doctor's companions mark themselves when they see a Silence—like the fellow in Memento—as a way to remember an encounter. Flying is like that, an unpleasant but forgettable experience.

Buenos Aires from our patio  
Buenos Aires from our patio  
Buenos Aires from our patio  
Buenos Aires flat  
Buenos Aires flat  
Buenos Aires flat  
7 Feb - Selective Color
Map of Argentina and Chile - 17 Feb