Home shows the newest post or a list of travelogues.
Inside a travelogue you can navigate forward in time (to right) or backward in time (to left).
Posts shows a chronological list of posts plus links to random post or photo.
Photos shows a grid of up to 9 photos. The photos are in chronological order with newest in upper left.
From here you can navigate forward in time (to right) or backward in time (to left), in 9-photo chunks.
Find has two paths because posts are categorized by keywords and photos are identified
by location.
- Find post by keyword. The list of keywords is organized by category, usually country.
- Find by keyword & location. Pick from combined list of post keywords and photo locations.
About shows this page.
Post shows random post.
Photo shows random photo.
Click on a
post's title to see the last-edited date; the post's URL; and shortcuts to first/last in set if post is part of a set.
Click on a
keyword (a word, usually a location, after the post's date) to search for posts that share that tag.
Click on
M, or
S to see Large, Medium, or Small photos. This is not always an option.
Click on a
photo's title (under the photo) for more information on the photo.
Some photos have map information visible on
OpenStreetMap or
Google map.
3x3 photos page
In the upper left is a left-arrow (
<) link that, if present, navigates to an older 3x3 page.
The upper right has a similar arrow to see a page of newer (taken more recently) photos.
Random selects a random 3x3 page of photos.
Find allows you to filter photos by location.
This page shows two lists, one ordered alphabetically and a second ordered by number of photos.
At the bottom of the page:
The letters
A P C E L A T N F S M correspond to filters for favorite photos based
on category: A is for
All photos. Others are
Structure, and
Memorable, the latter being sort of a best of the best.
All dates shows all photos whereas you can limit to photos uploaded (not captured) in the
31 days,
7 days, or
1 day.
Capture order orders photos by capture date whereas
Added order orders by date added.
I'm James and these are my photo travelogues.
All images © 1997– 2025 James Gaston. All rights reserved.
james at james gaston dot com