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Merida & San Miguel
26 Oct 2018
Merida & San Miguel    26 Oct 2018
  Tagged: Merida, Mexico   

How to get to Mexico: Drop Lucy at the dog resort. Pick up rental car at airport. Drive home. Drive back to airport. Wait at YYJ for flight to Vancouver. 15-minute flight is 1 hour late. Wait hours at YVR. Five hour flight to MEX. Aeromexico served light meal an hour in, at midnight, but nothing, not even coffee, before landing. A long wait at passport control. Take anti-stress pill. (Hey, I made it through two flights without one.) Wait hours at MEX for flight to Merida. 90-minute flight to Merida. Taxi to house in central town. Struggle with door lock. Survey the colourful house. Take nap. Walk to store to buy drinking water (not needed, later we find the casa has potable water). Walk to restaurant to order pizza. Wait for pizza. Take picture of passing horse-drawn carriage. Carry dinner to house on Calle 54.

¡Finalmente, nosotros comemos pizza en Mexico!

Horse-drawn carriage  

I shot this while waiting for our pizza. Wish I'd crouched and panned and maybe shortened the shutter, but I wasn't thinking much about technique, I was tired, sweaty (it's the Yucatan), and hungry, I'd not eaten all day.

There are many horse-drawn carriages on Merida's streets and while I like the clop clop clop soundtrack of the horse hooves on stone I don't know quite what to think about this. Is it bad for the horse? Does it enjoy pulling a carriage in car traffic, or would it rather be out eating grass? I'd guess the latter so I won't encourage the practice but I will take the occasional picture.

Horse-drawn carriage  

I shot this while waiting for our pizza. Wish I'd crouched and panned and maybe shortened the shutter, but I wasn't thinking much about technique, I was tired, sweaty (it's the Yucatan), and hungry, I'd not eaten all day.

There are many horse-drawn carriages on Merida's streets and while I like the clop clop clop soundtrack of the horse hooves on stone I don't know quite what to think about this. Is it bad for the horse? Does it enjoy pulling a carriage in car traffic, or would it rather be out eating grass? I'd guess the latter so I won't encourage the practice but I will take the occasional picture.

Horse-drawn carriage  

I shot this while waiting for our pizza. Wish I'd crouched and panned and maybe shortened the shutter, but I wasn't thinking much about technique, I was tired, sweaty (it's the Yucatan), and hungry, I'd not eaten all day.

There are many horse-drawn carriages on Merida's streets and while I like the clop clop clop soundtrack of the horse hooves on stone I don't know quite what to think about this. Is it bad for the horse? Does it enjoy pulling a carriage in car traffic, or would it rather be out eating grass? I'd guess the latter so I won't encourage the practice but I will take the occasional picture.

Horse drawn carriage  
Horse drawn carriage  
Horse drawn carriage  
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