31 Oct - A rainy drive to Olbia
178 Km/h - 1 Nov
A brief stop in Genova
1 Nov 2019
A brief stop in Genova    1 Nov 2019
  Genoa, Italy   

The ferry docked in Genova about twelve hours after leaving Olbia. It's a nice length for a boat ride: time enough to explore the boat, eat, and then settle in for a restful sleep. Once on land, we walked several blocks to the train station, Genova Piazza Principe, where we caught a train to Milan.

Tug assisting the ferry  
Tug assisting the ferry  
Tug assisting the ferry  
Genova pilot boat  
Genova pilot boat  
Genova pilot boat  
Waiting for the train in Genoa  
Waiting for the train in Genoa  
Waiting for the train in Genoa  
We transferred to a fast train in Milan  
We transferred to a fast train in Milan  
We transferred to a fast train in Milan  
Milan departures  
Milan departures  
Milan departures  
31 Oct - A rainy drive to Olbia
178 Km/h - 1 Nov